Vital food for pets
and wild birds
Vital Petfood Group (VPG) is one of the leading companies in the pet food industry in Scandinavia. We have been leading companies in wild bird and pet food industry since 1997. With factories in Aarhus and Ølgod, VPG is a Danish company making us your guarantee for quality, reliability and flexibility.

Ghent, 16 January 2024 – Dog and cat food manufacturer United Petfood announces that a share purchase agreement has been signed for the acquisition of Vital Petfood Group in Ølgod, Denmark. The takeover of the first plant in the Nordics is part of the planned growth strategy of United Petfood. Wild Bird business in not part of the planned acquisition and will continue as VPG Wild Bird A/S under Nordic Pet Care Group.

Food for pets
Vital Petfood Group produce and pack dry petfood- & snacks for dogs, cats, bird & rodent’s. We produce under strict guidance from our FSSC 22000 certification and can deliver from standard recipes to costumer tailored specifications in super premium and veterinarian levels. Our own Veterinarian utilize the best raw materials of what our Nordic surrounding can offer, bringing the utmost and local sourced qualities to the pets bowls.